Surname List: Begins with B

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All surnames beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Bailey (5)
2. Baillie (4)
3. Baitman (1)
4. Baker (1)
5. Baldwin (1)
6. Ball (4)
7. Bankhead (5)
8. Barbee (1)
9. Barber (1)
10. Baring (1)
11. baron Van Der Borch Van Verwolde (1)
12. Baroness Van Der Borch Van Verwolde (1)
13. baronesse Van Zuijlen Den Nijevelt (1)
14. Barrett (1)
15. Barry (2)
16. Bartlett (1)
17. Bassett (31)
18. Bassett of Lynn, Massachusetts (1)
19. Bateman (1)
20. Bates (6)
21. Beach (1)
22. Beaton (1)
23. Beatty (1)
24. Beauchamp (2)
25. Beauchamp, 1st Baron (1)
26. Beauchamp, Baroness de Ros and Duchess of Somerset (1)
27. Beaufort (2)
28. Beaufort, 1st Duke of Exeter (1)
29. Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset, 3rd Earl of Somerset (1)
30. Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset (1)
31. Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset (1)
32. Beaufort, 2nd Earl of Somerset (1)
33. Beaufort, 3rd Duke of Somerset (1)
34. Beaufort, 4th Duke of Somerset (1)
35. Beaufort, Cardinal of England (1)
36. Beaufort, Count of Perche (1)
37. Beaufort, Countess of Devon (1)
38. Beaufort, Countess of Westmoreland (1)
   39. Beaufort, Marquess of Dorset (1)
40. Beaufort, Queen consort of Scots (1)
41. Becker (1)
42. Bedent (1)
43. Bediant (1)
44. Beekman (1)
45. Bell (1)
46. Bennett (1)
47. Benson (10)
48. Berdeaux (14)
49. Berkeley (1)
50. Berry (1)
51. Berthe (1)
52. Bethune of Creich (1)
53. Biggs (1)
54. Bingham (4)
55. Bingham, 4th Earl of Lucan (1)
56. Bingham, The Countess Spencer (1)
57. Bird (2)
58. Bishop (5)
59. Black (4)
60. Blackhall (4)
61. Blackhall, 1st Laird of Finnersie (1)
62. Blackney (1)
63. Blake (1)
64. Blevins (2)
65. Blew (14)
66. Blight (1)
67. Blizzard (3)
68. Blount, Baroness Tailboys of Kyme and later Baroness Clinton (1)
69. Bodley (1)
70. Bodwell (1)
71. Bogert (1)
72. Boleyn (1)
73. Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire (1)
74. Boleyn, High Sheriff of Kent (1)
75. Boleyn, Queen consort of England (1)
76. Bonfitto (1)
   77. Bonham (1)
78. Bonnel (2)
79. Bowen (3)
80. Bowen, Deputy Governor of Rhode Island (1)
81. Bower (1)
82. Bowes-Lyon, Queen consort of England (1)
83. Boyce (1)
84. Boyd (3)
85. Boyd, Earl of Arran (1)
86. Boyer (1)
87. Boyle (9)
88. Bradley (5)
89. Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk (1)
90. Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk (1)
91. Brayne (1)
92. Breed (1)
93. Breitenbucher (1)
94. Breitenbuecher (1)
95. Breslin (1)
96. Brewer (1)
97. Brick (2)
98. Brickenden (1)
99. Briggs (6)
100. Brigham (1)
101. Broadwell (4)
102. Brobson (3)
103. Brocklebank (1)
104. Broderick (1)
105. Bromwell (1)
106. Brookfield (1)
107. Brooks (2)
108. Brouder (1)
109. Brown (15)
110. Browne (1)
111. Browniee (1)
112. Bruce (1)
113. Bruce, Earl of Carrick (1)
114. Bruce, Princess of Scotland (1)
   115. Brudenell (1)
116. Bruen (1)
117. Bryan (1)
118. Bryant (1)
119. Buck (1)
120. Buckley (1)
121. Bulloch (3)
122. Burdett (1)
123. Burgin (1)
124. Burn (1)
125. Burnard (2)
126. Burnard, 1st Laird of Leys (1)
127. Burnard, 3rd Laird of Leys (1)
128. Burnard, 4th Laird of Leys (1)
129. Burnard, Laird of Leys (1)
130. Burnet (153)
131. Burnet (physician) (1)
132. Burnet of Cowcardie (1)
133. Burnet of Kynneskie (1)
134. Burnet of Slowie (1)
135. Burnet of Slowy (1)
136. Burnet, (1)
137. Burnet, Bishop Of Salisbury (1)
138. Burnet, Colonial Governor Of NY, NJ, NH and Mass. (1)
139. Burnett (198)
140. Burnett of Craigmyle (2)
141. Burnett of Criggie (1)
142. Burnett of Dalladies (3)
143. Burnett of Leys (4)
144. Burnett of Tillihaikie (1)
145. Burnett, (2)
146. Burnett, 10th Baronet of Leys (1)
147. Burnett, 10th Laird of Leys (1)
148. Burnett, 11th Baronet of Leys (1)
149. Burnett, 11th Laird of Leys (1)
150. Burnett, 12th Baronet of Leys (1)
151. Burnett, 13th Baronet of Leys (1)
152. Burnett, 14th Baronet of Leys (1)
   153. Burnett, 1st Baronet of Leys (1)
154. Burnett, 1st Laird of Kemnay (1)
155. Burnett, 1st Laird of Kirkhill (1)
156. Burnett, 1st Laird of Sheddocksley (1)
157. Burnett, 2nd Baronet of Leys (1)
158. Burnett, 2nd Laird of Kemnay (1)
159. Burnett, 2nd Laird of Kirkhill (1)
160. Burnett, 2nd Laird of Sheddocksley (1)
161. Burnett, 3rd Baronet of Leys (1)
162. Burnett, 3rd Laird of Kemnay (1)
163. Burnett, 3rd Laird of Kirkhill (1)
164. Burnett, 3rd Laird of Sheddocksley (1)
165. Burnett, 4th Baronet of Leys (1)
166. Burnett, 5th Baronet of Leys (1)
167. Burnett, 5th Laird of Leys (1)
168. Burnett, 6th Baronet of Leys (1)
169. Burnett, 6th Laird of Leys (1)
170. Burnett, 7th Baronet of Leys (1)
171. Burnett, 7th Laird of Leys (1)
172. Burnett, 8th Baronet of Leys (1)
173. Burnett, 8th Laird of Leys (1)
174. Burnett, 9th Baronet of Leys (1)
175. Burnett, 9th Laird of Leys and 4th Baron (1)
176. Burnett, of Leys (1)
177. Burr (8)
178. Burrough (1)
179. Burt (4)
180. Bush (4)
181. Butler (9)
182. Butler, 4th Earl of Ormond (1)
183. Butler, 7th Earl of Ormond (1)
184. Buttivant (4)
185. Buzby (1)
186. Byres (1)