Robert Tullis is listed with other Quakers refusing to bear arms in Burlington County, New Jersey, 1704.
snip it of Robert Tullis name mentioned in Henry Joyce will highlighted.
The children of Robert Tullis, one of them is named after the grandmother Priscilla Burnett of Leys.
The Tullis History that mentioned Esther Fithian, only daughter of Priscilla Burnett of Leys, who married Robert Tullis in 1714.
Elk Branch Presbyterian Church in Virgina.
Moses Tullis Sr. is mentioned in the diary of Rev. Philip Vickers Fithian as a brother of William Tullis Sr. Philip Vickers Fithian is a cousin to both William and Moses Tullis of New Jersey.
The will of John Sewell of VA father of David and Timothy Sewell. David Sewell, son of John Sewell married Mary Elizabeth Tullis and Timothy Sewell married Sarah Tullis.
The will of Moses Tullis Sr. of Virgina that mentioned, his Mary Elizabeth, Sons Aaron Tullis, Jonathan and Moses Tullis, Jr. and Timothy Sewell as his son-in-law.
The will of Timothy Sewell, husband of Sarah Tullis and brother of David Sewell. One of the witnesses to the will is James Marshall.
David Sewel’s Will. David married Mary Elizabeth Tullis, daughter of Moses Tullis and Mary Elizabeth Van Dyke. David is the brother of Timothy Sewell.
The marriage record of Peter Burr and Hannah Sewell, daughter of David Sewell and Mary Elizabeth Tullis dated February 9, 1790.
James H. Marshall marriage to Sarah Burr, daughter of Peter Burr and Hannah Sewell.
The will of Mary Sewell, wife of David Sewell, mother of Hannah Burr (ńee Sewell) and grandmother to Sarah Marshall, wife of James H. Marshall. October of 1838.
Sarah E. Marshell Headstone, Wife of Robert Cree and mother of Alice Cree Dean.
1860’s census for Sarah E. Marshall and Robert Cree, showing their daughter Alice Cree, Alice is the paternal great-grandmother of actor James Dean.
1870’s census for Sarah E. Marshall and Robert Cree, showing their daughter Alice Cree, Alice is the paternal great-grandmother of actor James Dean.
Robert H Cree will page 1
Robert H Cree will page 2
Robert H Cree’s will page 3
1900’s census record for Alice Cree Dean, with her son Charles Desco Dean, grandfather of James Dean.
Charles Desco Dean’s Death Certificate. Grandfather of James Dean.
James Dean’s father’s Birth Certificate.
James Dean’s father Winson Dean’s Death Certificate.
James Dean’s father Winton Dean’s Obituary.
James Dean’s Birth Certificate