Robert Tullis is listed with other Quakers refusing to bear arms in Burlington County, New Jersey, 1704.
The Tullis History that mentioned Esther Fithian, only daughter of Priscilla Burnett of Leys, who married Robert Tullis in 1714.
snip it of Robert Tullis name mentioned in Henry Joyce will highlighted.
The children of Robert Tullis, one of them is named after the grandmother Priscilla Burnett of Leys.
Moses Tullis Sr. is mentioned in the diary of Rev. Philip Vickers Fithian as a brother of William Tullis Sr. Philip Vickers Fithian is a cousin to both William and Moses Tullis of New Jersey.
Annah Tullis Birth Church Record
Moses Tullis, Joseph Fauver and Moses Tullis Deeds
William Tullis probate records division of land among his co-heirs page one
William Tullis probate records division of land among his co-heirs page two
William Tullis probate records division of land among his co-heirs page three
William Tullis probate records division of land among his co-heirs page four
William Tullis probate records division of land among his co-heirs page five
William Tullis probate records division of land among his co-heirs page six
William Tullis probate records division of land among his co-heirs page seven
Joseph Fauver Will’s Husband of Ruth Tullis, sister of Annah Tullis and Eleanor Garrison was a witness to Joseph’s will dated 1804.
Anna Garrison marriage record to Seeley Blew she was listed as a widow. March 8th 1797
The Estate of Cornelius Garrison that mention of the heirs John Griner Sr. and Ellen Griner.
Anna Blew Obituary, she lived to be almost 93 years old.
John Griner and Eleanor Griner sale of land deeds.
Eli Griner and Rachel Griner Burials
Eli Griner Sr. and Rachel Loder’s marriage record they were married on September 27th 1837
The 1837 Eli Griner & Rachel Loder Marriage Announcement
Detailed Marriage record of my 2nd great-grandparents Louis Griner and Emily Berdeaux, parents of my great-grandparents of Charles Berdeaux Griner.
Louis Eli Griner and Emily Berdeaux Marriage Record that mentioned his parents as Eli Griner and Rachel Loder.
Louis E Griner and Emily Berdeaux Official Marriage Index Number.
Official marriage record of Louis E Griner.
Dr. Certificate of Death For Louis E. Griner, son of Eli Griner Sr. and Rachel Loder.
Emily Griner’s obituary that mentioned of her husband, Louis Griner, father of Charles Griner my great-grandfather.
My maternal great-grandparents marriage record. they were married on October 14th 1917.
My maternal great-grandfather Charles Griner’s death certificate, his first wife Anna died in 1953.
My Grandmother’s Birth Certificate
My maternal grandmother Mabel Griner’s birth and baptism are recorded at Sacred Heart Church in Albany, New York
Marriage certificate of Mabel Griner and George Ognan (maternal grandparents)
Mabel Griner Death Certificate (my grandmother)
The Obituary of my maternal grandmother Mabel Griner
Mom’s Birth Certificate
My parent’s marriage certificate
My Mother Nancy’s Death Certificate
The Obituary of my mother Nancy Ognan.